
It was because of data leak at Capcom last year revealed this info.

Even without the files names, it’s immediately obvious just by looking at them that they’re the same image. Nobody could argue against it.

Come on Root, you gotta be better than this. 

This story is the definition of “so what?”

This is some low energy shit right here. 

It’s also not a new story. I read an article on this (I want to say last year?) and she talked about how she came from a super privileged, wealthy background and her embarrassment over her participation in this ball. I’m trying to find it now but every page of google is dominated by this latest news.

Hol up, you’re telling me that St. Louis did something Klan related? THE St. Louis? The one in Missouri? Oh wow, who could have ever imagined that aside from literally every person on the planet or at least these United States? I had to look up who she was (I’ve tried with the Office but it’s just not funny; never

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.

Lol, what?

Look, if we start doing “Famous person took part in institution that turned out to be hella racist” takes we’re going to be here forever because, spoiler alert, most white institutions in America are hella racist.

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

Yet us non-trolls remain grey all over Kinja.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

How on earth is this out of the grays?

You crawl from sewer to sewer. Perhaps literally.

Not to mention that if vaccinated people keep wearing masks, we have little data on real-world efficacy of the vaccines.

Not at all surprised. Reminds me of last summer, went to the DMV and the line was outside. Standing behind me is a white girl with a Black Lives Matter mask reading a copy of Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man. I nodded “hello” to her and she cowered away from me like I was about to steal her purse.

Most of this matters very little to the average person. If you’re vaccinated, you’re fine. You may wish to take extra precautions if you live or otherwise have close contact with someone who cannot be vaccinated. It would be an extremely rare occurrence for you to 1) get infected and then 2) produce enough particles

Sexualized perhaps, but certainly not sexy.

Nude is more practical, and far less provocative, than any of these suits.  The only thing that makes me think “nope” about nude beaches is environmental (I don’t relish the idea of sunburnt bits, or sand and glass and critters either).  And most North Americans who go to a nude beach for the first time are horrified