
Lots of reviews online where people see about a 10% drop. For me it was between the OEM MXM4 and the CC2s. Better grip usually translates into more rolling resistance.

I scoured every review from Model 3/Y owners and it was pretty much universally about a 5-10% hit vs the MXM4 Primacies. Usually couched as “I love them, I did see a power usage of about 10% at highway speeds, but they offer so much better traction that it was worth it.”

Considering I’ve arrived at charging stations a

He was sued and it was determined that executives can legally be overly optimistic with forward looking statements if it’s theoretically possible even if implausible.

The other downside is they have a pretty substantial fuel efficiency/range impact. I really wanted them but I couldn't accept a 10% range reduction on an EV which already struggles in below zero for range.

I don’t think the entire drivetrain of model S should be included. Steering etc is all in a diesel as well. If anything the transmission comes out.

Loved that her burial brick is used to smash imperial skull.

I was a massive fan when it came out. Played a ton of multiplayer splitscreen and it was one of my favorite multiplayer games even with Quake and other “better” alternatives. At its release it was everything that it’s hyped up to be.

I really really want VR workspaces to work out. Instead of dedicating a full room of our condo, I could have big 40" screens, HDR windows to a beautiful lake and just need a corner with a small mouse/keyboard space.

In all seriousness, I do see both sides. I am enjoying Immortal. It’s no Diablo 2. But it’s entertaining. And yes things have gotten worse than sucking a few dollars a day in quarters into sucking thousands of dollars from people legitimately with addictions. So fuck those immoral vampires. But I think people go a

Pay to win!? That’s outrageous. The gaming industry has gone downhill! Preying on children no less! Back in my day that would be unheard of!

Again... if we want anyone and everyone to switch to electric (which we do), we have to address the 1 in 3 Americans who live in a Condo or Apartment. That means bringing charging to the 33% of customers who NEED it.

You know what kills a battery faster than “topping” it off regularly? Level 3 charging. Level 3

Level-2 charging is fine for cars. It’s what almost everybody uses at home.

Except for the 50% plus of Americans who live in multifamily housing...

“A few months ago, I pitched an idea [...] Having charging networks pop up alongside hotels or fast-food chains.”

Congrats you just distilled why Tesla outsells every other EV by a huge margin.

I’m just saying that that car was the reason I went fully automatic. I too thought I was going to have a car that never broke because everything was manual... and all of the manual parts broke haha. My mom’s car had no issues with its power windows or seats. Meanwhile I had to buy a bunch of replacement parts for

What’s extra confusing is that we DID have BLM protestors too which was also a big news story.

with little to nothing to break or wear out.

Also you could spend 2 lines of code to disable this limit if the airbags deploy.   

Ok stay with me. I’m in a crash. But I’ve crashed into an ancient Mayan Temple. In the temple is a spirit that says I must give him something gold to be allowed to leave. Unfortunately the USB cable they include with the car is no longer gold plated. So you’re telling me that in this situation I won’t be able to