
This one is easy: Treating servers\retail people\delivery people...anybody who serves the personal servants to be insulted and abused. I don’t care how nice you may be to me. If you can’t treat another human being who is doing an often thankless job with common decency, that to me signals a serious

Bad smells are a 100% deal breaker.

Here are the posts from one Hello America regarding the bright and talented Jia Tolentino:

Really got to wonder how many Americans think ancient Hebrews looked just like them.

Anyone gonna take up the challenge of asking her how, if God created Adam (1) and Eve (1), and “Husband and wife need to be the same race” because “that’s how it’s been from the beginning,” how we have different “races” in the first place?

Laura Wagner: I had heard a funny story/rumor about that person (or so I thought) and so I shared the story with the table. Only when I felt a foot slam into my shin and got a text telling me that I was an ABSOLUTE IDIOT did I realize my mistake: The funny story/rumor that I had gleefully shared with the table was not


A football player told me all about this “buyer-beware flea market” thing yesterday:

Is it? I mean, obviously with regards to Spacey, but the film as a whole?

I’m at the point where I’m liking it again, if just because I think the over critiquing has gotten annoying. Plus say what you will but that plastic bag could fucking ACT. 

Let’s be serious. Whatever channel is televising the debate wants them to come out and “DESTROY EACH OTHER!!!”, not have a policy discussion.


Dems are endlessly pissed that Sanders and Stein stole all those votes from them and gave us Trump... but they still keep giving third parties and progressives a reason to exist apart from the D party. They assume liberal voters are theirs whether they actually represent them or not, and for some reason just can’t

‘What do you expect us to do, the obviously good thing people support!?’

Dems also don’t want to talk about gun control, because they need them to shoot their feet with.

“if you donated to Inslee or Hickenlooper”


Ya know what takes even more effort than telling your kid no? Actually discussing internet safety protocols with them as soon as possible. These safety issues don’t magically go away when they become an adult. Everything you teach them will still be relevant when they become old enough (in your eyes) to get a smart

You joke, but I went to school with someone who I would call an Titanic enthusiast. She was obsessed. Any history project from 3rd grade through 12th grade where we got pick the topic, Titanic. Guess what her favorite movie still is. 

Same. I’ve seen at least 2 articles on here say she’s incredibly smart. I’m sorry, but based on this, no, she isn’t. I know a lot of very intelligent people who use slang and improper grammar. She is not one of them.