
> Legally redefining “female” as anyone who claims to be female results in the erasure of female people as a class.

isn’t this basically how it works with religion? if I proclaimed to be a Christian (while decidedly not one), it wouldn’t “erase” the Christian class....

Gwyneth is pretty tight with Jay Z (her kids call him uncle), so they could reignite an East Coast/ West Coast beef over quinoa casseroles or some shit.

It would be great if they actually were “using their business mediums"-  if each had a psychic on staff to divine some revenge upon the other. 

Having worked for Wehco media for over 20 years I’d put more of the blame on Facebook and click bait sites like this. Facebook especially for taking what ad revenue was left after Craigslist strip-mined classified sections. Facebook was especially fatal to local papers. 

“I was working like a slave in the back prepping the buns with pickles and the spicy mayo...

“however, the House-passed bill in its current form is filled with poison pills that threaten to undermine parental and conscience rights,”

I thought her career was based on her ability to make catchy pop songs but I guess I’m wrong.

Built off Kanye’s outburst”?!? She won the fucking album of the year award! She was wildly successful before, too.

Your cover letter needs more racism and anti-Semitism if you want an opinion job at the NYT. 

I’m also keenly aware of the division between the Times’s opinion desk and newsroom; which is why I will take great pains to never read the latter or allow my colleagues’ work to alter my opinions or worldview in any way.

I think the main difference is just how many games there are. One city has 8 football games a year, making it more of an event that people plan for, especially on weekends. Even basketball/hockey have half as many games as baseball. Baseball has 81. So a baseball game should be akin to seeing a movie rather than a

Ha! It’s especially funny because all Maria had to do to avoid testing positive was throw a huge temper tantrum when the Anti-doping Agency showed up at her door.     

I’ve never understood why people do that and I can tell you this as a gun owner, when those assholes show up at a shooting range, everyone packs up and leaves. No one on either side of this issue wants to be around those nutjobs and no one on either side of this who isn’t one of them wants to see them have the right

I have to give Google credit, six years is probably the longest time Google has supported a hardware product. Hell, longer than some software products too.

I’m a millennial that thankfully isn’t as destitute as all the rest claim to be on Twitter, but it’s still a solid $200 for me, wife, and toddler to go to a ballgame between tickets, bullshit “convenience fees” online, parking, and food. Going to a game has become a once, maybe twice a year thing for our family,

What? I just checked Stubhub, you can watch the Tigers play tonight for $15.

How on Earth was the cheapest ticket you found for a Tigers game THIS YEAR sitting at $100? Did you ask some guy on the street?

Also, interleague play, lack of pennant race drama, $14 beers, unabashed owner greed, and…