
I sold mine for $25 back in 1994 at a game convention. I had it in my hands less than an hour and had no idea what it’s value was or would one day be.

And the cost of managing the aftermath of a ransomware attack can be huge. It was reported in June that the cost to the city of Baltimore after it refused to pay hackers 13 bitcoin was somewhere in the neighborhood of $18 million, with the possibility of additional costs over time. The Baltimore Sun reported Wednesday


Is the PocketKnife the civilian version of AeroVironment’s Switchblade drone?

Did you discuss the title with Rich ahead of time?

Now playing

What?! I thought Vin Diesel was a sure thing.

Hey Brazil, easy on the fires.

He next orders all American businesses to stop doing business in China (Yay Free market capitalism).

To save some time:

What if a man used an image of a woman giving him head like this?

Same feeling for my daughter.

See also, VW’s Sex Pistols.

They care about a capella, vis a vis, Pitch Perfect.

Big news, tiny title.

Except they would be in wolf form even on new moon if it was only the gamma rays. The amount of reflected sunlight remains the catalyst.

What a great insight into how the process works. If you’re a senator, you get to co-sponsor lots of legislation and you even get to issue press releases about how good it is and what a crucial role you played in its development, and then just a few months later you can say, actually, never mind.

If only we could figure out how their crystals worked.

He’s going to legalize drugs and then rob people?
