
See also: Punching Nazis.

When I think of the Caribbean, I think of bold prints and loud colors in stereotypes and caricatures, primarily carnival costumes.

I really enjoyed his work with the petroleum industry back in 2005.

Same goes for the race. White is a given? Really?

You can’t understand how providing free/low cost tools that many people find to be valuable might make some people fans?

Age / 2 + 7 is the classic.

Because you live in the East Bay, not San Francisco, and it’s the right thing to do, even if it isn’t the easy thing to do?

Our entire family takes BART from Fremont.

That’s the first thing I saw too, honestly thinking, is this some sort of smart extrauterine device (EUD)? (I guess it is, just with the thermometer, not the rocks.)

... and yet be caught without at least a few quick stats debunking IQ, crime rates, and welfare

Defining sex as something different from gender isn’t misgendering, it’s a pillar of the transgender community.

Or the peaceful liberation of Tibet from China? Or the Warsaw Ghettos?

Gender /= Sex.

We’re the Nazi’s National ... Socialists?

Community policing 

Women, as a group, are, so feel good about the positive affirmation. :)

Like China with .01% or Mexico with 1%?

The bad judge had a long history of leniency. Public defenders loved him. 

Meh. Good to see live. Not great. Not bad. Maybe leave before the encore to beat the crowd out even.