I’ve played many games of both and IMHO, X-Wing has a MUCH bigger community and is generally considered to be “more fun”.
I’ve played many games of both and IMHO, X-Wing has a MUCH bigger community and is generally considered to be “more fun”.
I honestly don’t understand why this is either. Why does the left deny psychometrics as much as the right denies meteorology?
When the men in the community are incarcerated and no longer working, the women in the community are largely responsible for the generation of communal dollars.
Never mind that one of the big reason we even get to this point is because people are waiving their right to a speedy trial speedy trial with overworked and unprepared defenders.
Men are incarcerated more than women. Non-incarcerated partners and mothers are more likely to be women. According to their reports, 83% of family members who bear the costs are women.
The Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act doesn’t set a good precedent for us. :(
NES gets a fair amount of use in my home too.
I think the point here is the September issue specifically.
We felt the same way about him back in Oakland too. :(
46k on Friday.
A socialist nation you say? National socialism?
I was explaining that to my daughter just last week as she is now tall enough to go on these sorts of rides.
The flip side (probably not with Burberry though which would be flipped and sold online in a heartbeat) is that donations can hurt local industry. Teach a person to fish and all that.
But the raindbow in Russia though. So brave.
Wait, what?
Show off? No. The Oregon crew were simply Above and Beyond.
Uwe Boll turned financing films into an art form.
Well said. Thank you.
Is your “female experience” simultaneously so fragile that a misplaced whisper from a transwoman could shatter it, and yet so hard-wired to disallow anyone who’s had a different experience than you?
Should I be rightfully angry when reading articles, penned by male doctors, pen about gynecology?