To your point, the Ford Transit is ~310hp/400 ft-lbs with the 3.5 ecoboost and 1,000 lbs lighter.
To your point, the Ford Transit is ~310hp/400 ft-lbs with the 3.5 ecoboost and 1,000 lbs lighter.
I’m imagining a Peppermill Hooters. So, yeah.
Might as well not get into the details of the time the U.S. was involved in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran after said government started implementing policies that directed resources away from foreign oil companies and towards the Iranian people.
I actually liked that concept (and JCP in general for staple dad clothes that I have to have in under 24 hours).
Not necessarily, no. It’s an association fallacy.
I just spent 10+ minutes looking for these many instances ... and didn’t find them. :(
Foreign relations? lol. They are doing these raids on behalf of the Yemen government that the U.S. and the Saudi’s support.
Because we should be better than them.
It isn’t just our enemies either. See Saudia Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, etc.
I think it’s called ‘targeted killing’ when we do it.
Thanks Obama. Right?
Gotcha. I think I’m just quibbling over the wording. Wants what best for her > Wants to be with him.
This was a leak of classified info, so he doesn’t need new laws ... he can just use the same ones that Obama used to prosecute journalists who didn’t reveal their sources.
When BBC is anti-fracking it is news. When RT is anti-fracking it is fake news. Duh.
As true in Cambodia as it is in Yemen.
Is that the entire gotcha here?
Maybe because going down that path leads to some unwelcome revelations?
“I didn’t 100% support everything Obama did, but at the same time it’s totally irresponsible for any self-respecting news organization to be publishing critical things about him ...”
Unfortunately, Obama has set a precedent where tracking down reporters and whistle blowers and making things unpleasant for them wouldn’t be unusual. I like to point to Abdulelah Haider Shaye, but there are plenty of others closer to home.
Thanks Obama?