
I like that the leak of this classified info is a crime too. Way to take the high ground over the Russians with the intel there.

Offensive and lazy? See St. Patrick’s Day.

An alternative is to say I don’t need your validation and am free to identify myself however I want given provided I meet whatever objective qualifications are required.

See Sami. Not North American, but yeah.

Not taking issue with your first point, but do with your second. It sounds like you are saying that non-indigenous people can’t be experts on indigenous matters.

“Also, the combining of the Hispanic groups into this one “Latin” blob is insulting.”

Way more informative than the report too. Just saying.

I wish the info you just posted had found its way into the official report.

The weapon in baggage claim is generally much safer (already checked, ammo and firearm separated, locked, etc.) then the weapon that a person who just came in from off the street and walked into the baggage claim area.

From a stub wiki with no references cited.

That’s what I see too. SCA folks fight hard ... but their gear is modern-ish and meant for bashing into each other. To be fair to them, they are pretty upfront that theirs is a combat sport and not a historical reenactment.

Meh. LARPers who favor non-fiction over fiction.

The only concert I ever walked out of was a Phish concert.

Dresden, Berlin, Warsaw, Nagasaki, Hiroshima ... all pretty nice places nowadays.

Carthage, Atlanta, Warsaw, I mean, there are plenty of other examples if the people in question, like Johnson, don’t know what Aleppo is.

We see far fewer Russian boots on the ground in Syria than we did in Afghanistan. Looks like they did learn a few lessons.

Which, unlike the rebels, held out and defeated the enemy.

$240 worth of pudding.

Still very much cringeworthy.

I wish I had the skills to put together a Die Antwoord Zef Side mash up with this buffet.