
People can be three things ... or more. I had to watch a Milk commercial, with a, I kid you not, Electric Six, “Danger, Danger” soundtrack before I could see this clip.

I’m not even close to being where you are, but if that guy asked me the same questions, I’d probably respond similarly. Shit dude, I’m 90. I’ve seen a few good interviewers in my time ... step up your game or gtfo.

You hit a point (and I don’t think age is the thing) where, as the kids say, “I can’t even.”

Seriously. I’d go maybe high-school, or hell, college-age without the education.

I don’t know if it is entirely rumor. I have a friends who lives in those hills and it is almost nothing but Eucalyptus. (The canyon/road they live in was spared in ‘91.)

“A friend of mine told me eucalyptus is being widely planted in CA under the guise of “fire control”, but may be sold commercially too. “

I get the impression the U.S. is doing the exact same thing. :(

In the near future all roles will be played by Cliff Curtis clones and audiences are generally ok with it.

Yes it would still be an issue (maybe not for Cho, but someone else). Supposedly, that’s why we got Tilda as some “Asians” didn’t want other “Asians” represented on the big screen.

Oh come on, straight white males get accused of hurting the cause when they complain too. ;)

I’m significantly more wounded by people who are blatant racists than liberals who think they are my ally but are oblivious to some of my experiences.

Go too far in that direction and they can end up fantasizing the other into people and places as unreal as Asgard. Exotic set pieces and costumes devoid of historical context. Happy Halloween.

Lose the beard and assuming your personality > chub I know of a few probables for you. Probably heavier on the Smiths than JaMC, but whatever.

The panda pelt is nice on the feet, but wait until you stretch out into the whale penis leather seats.

Meh. It’s grown on me.

Just because I don’t want to use military force to overthrow a sovereign nation that has not attacked U.S. does not make me an isolationist.

100x less than the Valdez?

Clearly there are quality issues.

Hence the, “... but I’m not.” part.

If our legal system was 100% accurate, and new with complete certainty that person X killed person Y with malice, then yeah, I’d be totally for the death penalty.

Are manufacturing expenses so prohibitive that nobody in Texas can start producing the stuff exclusively for the U.S. execution market?

(Never mind all the much cheaper forms of execution that are no longer legal.)