Sounds like an Otis reading song.
Sounds like an Otis reading song.
They vote in bigger numbers.
Except when they aren’t. I know very few Trump voters, but for the few I do, they voted for him DESPITE his racist, sexist, etc., etc., comments, not BECAUSE of them. That’s how important other issues were to these people.
The unreliability of this car was a bit of blessing in disguise for me.
Didn’t he play for Oakland for a few weeks? Here I was cheering for him and Coco.
See also the Moral Majority, the Christian Coalition and Focus on the Family.
I wouldn’t have had a problem with it if he had pulled off a good impression of Wampanoag, Nauset, or pretty much any of the other tribes that interacted with the pilgrims.
I’m with you, as I’ve read it plenty of times before, but to be fair, I don’t think it was used in the Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, Fifty Shades of Grey, Twilight, etc., etc.
You’d take my money, or whatever the barker does, as you’d have me pegged correctly as over 30.
Why not both?
For sure. I’m in total agreement.
Broncos had their chance. By many accounts they said yes ... at less than 12 million. SF didn’t want to do the payout, and Kap didn’t want to take the pay cut.
Which is why he was sitting on the bench ... and getting paid to do so. Mgmt didn’t want to take that risk either.
Kinda a “KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park” reboot?
That was my take too. And really, I can only appreciate (every so slightly) the King Magazine pieces because I know about the Black Star Press pieces.
For me, the chocolate on the BSP pieces makes me think about the Woolworth’s Lunch Counter and removes and removes distance between me the viewer and a black and white…