Sure it would rank, but probably not even in the top 30. Tragedy to be sure, but Wilhelm Gustloff (9000+) and Dona Paz (4000+) beat it in a single sinking. There are many others that beat this year-long number in a single event.
Full disclaimer: I run an Arkham Horror game every year around Halloween. It is a good time, even for casuals, provided someone with experience is doing the setup/teardown/gm work. It helps to have props and booze ... but that goes for almost all things.
Yes. Do the appraisal before wasting your time.
Plenty of Spartans and Trojans mascots. Not so many Carthaginians or Khwarazmians.
That’s really all this school needs to do too.
You get 100+ years of it if you go back to their European roots.
I’m more concerned about on-site daycare disappearing as a school “perk”.
I had to go rewatch it to see it. The BMW is got way more screen time.
I keep waiting for the bass to drop ... shake that ... everyday I’m shufflin’ and Kap to throw down with,
“Party Rock is in the house tonight! Everybody just have a good time!”
In the video in my head he is joined by Harbaugh, Iupati, Culliver, Crabtree, Gore, and pretty much everyone who has jumped ship since York…
I was just about to ask, “Can she dance?”
I think you nailed it on your first point. It protects the skin. Male gaze, sure, but also UV rays.
Can you point those of us who don’t know in the right direction. I’v spent more than than a few minutes reading posts on this subject and seem to have missed that part.
We use Borax in our home, but yeah, the kids prefer the stuff that is pre-foamed.
Er. Sorry. Gita, not Gina. :P
Thanks for the write up Gina. Good to see folks having fun with Quiet Year ... or heck, story games in general. I don’t think I’ve seen a post like this Kotaku before.
Was hoping to see a post along these lines. Microscope is a whole lot of fun too.
Wasn’t watching the players. Was zoomed in on a marker on the moulding in order to watch the drainage levels. If the sewage gets higher than 1.5“ they need to call somebody. 2"+ is a union fine.