
Until it is an objective sport, yeah, we kinda of expect this sort of subjective nonsense as it is part of the system.

Hitting off with a cute girl at the bar and she asks what your cool tattoo is.


Ahh. Ok. It wasn’t clear to me from your first post that you had figured out how to delete them yet.

You can delete the items you don’t want.

The pictures of the custom VWs: Sex on wheels.

Yeah, I went in thinking it was +100% rather than +20%, only to find that Jolt wasn’t the easy mode way to beat all the Vapors. :(

I was going to go with Shepard Fairey, but, ok.

It’s a terrible game too. Slow, repetitive tasks, little skill required, grind-tastic, too long gym control times, next to zero info about how things work, etc., etc.

For me it was as two 10k eggs hatched.

Thank you!

Wait, what? Post WWII?

Post-modern. Post-cyberpunk. Post-human (which makes these ethnic population group casting decision conversations interesting).

I get that HBO makes payment to Ramin Djawadi, but does Ramin Djawadi make payment to Phillip Glass?

He’ll have competition from the late 20-something I was behind in traffic today driving an S550 AMG BRABUS.

Gary Plauche was sentenced to five years probation and 300 hours of community service ... and he managed to kill the guy that killed his son.

Blue Qartheen wine gives him visions? You don’t say.

I think it’s interesting that we’ve reached the point where folks call Larry “very white” and, at least in the comments, it’s not even a thing.

Okay - that word “eunuch.” It is a catchall term for people who are biologically different (like transgender and other intersex people) ...

They play the Bernie Lean and (more logical) Too Legit to Quit every game.

Meh. The stadium is what it is, (old, bad food, bad service, long lines at dirty bathrooms, etc.) but it isn’t what keeps (most) people away.