
Does this count as LOLmets?

They took the eventual national champs to 2OTs. They were only really blown out once. I am expecting an improved squad this year. 10 or 11 wins and a New Year’s Day bowl. Or whatever day those 2nd tier bowls are now scheduled

Fun fact. Appling’s career OBP is higher than his SLG%.

Decent haul

Surprised they didn’t intentionally walk to most dangerous bat in the lineup

So that’s where McGwire dumped his stash before the raid

Probs lied, yah

Nice play

This sequel to Mr Hands sucks

If anyone can take a charge, it's Griner.

I'm a big Adam Rubin fan and follow the Mets blog on there. I don't like that you no longer see the headlines first and then click to read more, now you are just thrown right into whatever the first article is and have to scroll endlessly.


I'm sick and tired of all the flopping in soccer

Flopping is ruining the sport of soccer

Ok good there's a guy in a Philadelphia Eagles hat in there too.

Pennsylvania will not be an elite state until we fix our outdated liquor laws.

no Turn Down for Watt?

Michigan man

Don't worry man, there will still be a roster update for 2014 to last years game. No reason to go off on a 10,000 word tangent.

Terrence Long thanks you for avenging him from Ichiro's 1st season throw