
Ignorance is bliss.

All children lie. Some less, some more, but all lie on occasion. I taught first grade for 18 years. At this age some kids still have some fantasy thinking going on, and sometimes they truly believe what they are saying even if they know you saw the opposite. "But I just SAW you do it. Just now." "I didn't do

If it makes you feel better I went to 4 Sephoras to hunt down the red Sephora lip stain that Erin talked about on her post. It was sold out at the first 3.

Words? Adultosaur is going to kill him. There will be nothing left but a pile of smoking ash. Mark clearly has a death wish by insulting TS where adultosaur will see.

Good to know I won't die alone.

My husband says he wants to join the club. I don't think he qualifies because I think he's the smart one. He knows useful stuff. I don't.

It's a good thing I don't have one close to me or I'd be as big as a house. I have no self-restraint when it comes to hot Krispy Kremes.

And they give them to you for free. They are like crack dealers trying to get you hooked.

Regular Krispy Kremes: good, in the way that all doughnuts are good. Hot, fresh Krispy Kremes at the store? BEST DOUGHNUTS EVER!!!!!!!

This is something that changed over time for me. When I was young, I wanted a passion job that I loved. And I had that for many years. I loved my job in a way that most people don't. Then I burned out and now I'm in the process of changing careers. I'll work just as hard but won't be as emotionally invested in my

Me too! Except for actually getting the kid, and strangers being really nice all the time, being warm for nine months was the only good part about being pregnant.

You will enjoy being pregnant, should you ever choose to be pregnant. Well you might not enjoy it, due to morning sickness, fatigue, etc, but you may enjoy not being cold for nine months. It was the only time in my life it wasn't cold, and I was turning down the heat when my husband was turning it up. Often, my


I was looking for this and was going to post it if no one else did.

Poor man's microdermabrasion. Oil of Olay has a microdermabrasion/peel kit for about $40 at Target. It's expensive but it will last for months and it works. I used it after I had chicken pox as an adult. I more than 50 pock marks on my face. I used that stuff 2-3 times a day for weeks (you're only supposed to use

I think it will make parents think twice about sending their daughters there. They may still send them, but they will think HARD about it.

The romcom practically writes itself...

So why were the Irish guys hitting on you? Hadn't he fixed them up yet?

Agreed. I loved my grandmother more than anyone but the bags on her eyes went down to her cheekbones. I inherited that. On the plus side, I also got the Greek skin that barely wrinkles (even though I never used sunscreen, eye cream, or moisturizer).

I'm 50 and the circles are more than circling my aged carcass. They are feasting under my eyes. I'm not great at application (that why I mostly use bare minerals—it's idiot proof) but if you go to Sephora they will show you how to put it on and get a concealer that will work with it and be the right color for your