
I live in CA and all the public summer schools in LA that I have ever heard of are funded by the local school districts and staffed by district teachers and they are free to children who qualify for them (usually meaning kids where the school thinks they need extra help, not just kids whose parents want free day

Disgusting because it puts low-income children at more of a disadvantage if their parents can't afford to pay for kindergarten.

The wheels of justice grind slowly but they are turning in your state if the state Supreme Court follows through. A few years is huge in the education of a child though, and it sounds like it will take a few years to get this sorted out...

Just don't hang out with the PTA moms—peer pressure handled. If it's something I actually want, I'll buy it for a fundraiser, but if I don't want it, I won't buy it. And I won't sell stuff. Fortunately, my daughter's school has a thing where you can make a donation at the beginning of the year, and then you are

I rarely go to Krispy Kreme because I have so little self-control around them I may end up embarrassing myself. I could totally eat half a box. No problem.

What state are you in? In CA that would be illegal because of equity issues—lower income children would not have the same opportunities to succeed. In fact, over the past few years CA has gone the other direction and now many public schools offer what is called TK, or transitional kindergarten for children who

Dunkin was big where I grew up (no Kripy Kreme in Missouri back then, don't know about now) and I did love their creme filled...I like Dunkin and they do have a great selection, but I just think hot Krispy Kremes are far superior.

I don't understand how this is legal. What about people who can't afford to pay? These are public schools.

No. Because then when the donut is (sadly) all gone, you still get that little bit of icing to lick off your fingers.

Oh HELLLLLLLLLL no. That's just crazy talk. A hot Krispy Kreme kicks any Dunkin Donuts' ass. Just sayin. And I love Dunkin Donuts but they cannot beat a hot, fresh Krispy Kreme in the store.

I have never heard of public schools charging money for summer school—or for anything academic. In some states, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be allowed. (I'm talking about the fee, not accepting the ring as collateral.)

I might go for fabulous hats...

It was a woman. Forgot to add that very important detail. Weirdest thing I have ever seen. She was bald, and I guess she preferred that to a wig.

Yours sounds like individual lines (to represent individual hairs) were tattooed on. The one I saw it was solid. And there didn't seem to be regret. And it was a woman.

I see what you did there...

No joke, there used the be a worker at the grocery store near my house who was bald and had their head tatooed solid black where the hair would have been. Exactly like black sharpie.

I'm pretty sure he would.

Like a damn genie in a bottle!

And he hands you a wine glass and fills it every time you walk in the kitchen (that what he does almost every time someone walks into his apartment...) le sigh.

Neil Caffrey's rooftop garden/balcony on White Collar. I expect it to be accessorized with Matthew Bomer.