
No I won’t

The dastardly art of abbreviating a long paragraph to point out the relevant bit! Yellow journalism strikes again!

Oh hey look, someone proving my exact fucking point, too bad they’re prolly gonna get removed for hate speech.

I went from 0-100-0 so fast im taking the day off tomorrow with neck pain

The Bloomberg report states that Sega is looking at the Fortnite business model for both titles, aiming to “develop recurring revenue sources and build online communities”. Note here that Sega is on record previously as saying the “Super Game” project is a place the company may experiment with NFTs.

I hope so too.

You really wanna go there bud? First of all, its not the statues of founding fathers being torn down. Its confederate statues. As a native southerner who’s family actually fought on the side of the confederacy, those statues are not worth the pot metal they are made out of.

 And of course I bet you are like most

I’m sorry, saying “rear entrance” violates the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, please turn yourself in

The real secret was the fucking along the way

I feel as though this movie could have been a lot more interesting if they had a very graphic scene of Grindewald and Dumbledore making the Fantastic Beast with Two Backs.

When you understand that this person is in the middle of the pyramid scheme and desperately needs new suckers to come aboard so they can pass the lit bomb off, these posts make so much sense. 

This has to be a joke. No way someone is this deep into fake crypto Pokémon. I can’t accept that the person who wrote this exists and actually believes this shit.

hahaha shut the fuck up.

Nobody ever made me pay for every single piece in Checkers, then pay rent on the spaces I occupied on the board.

It’s extremely easy to write about why those games are fun, Paresh.


So no. You cannot even write a single paragraph as to why axie infinity is fun.

The world is actually quite fascinating.