I’m tired of all the “Extreme Batmans”. Let’s go back to the comical Adam West middle aged muffin top style Batman, with the on screen sound effects and cheesy writing and plots.
I’m tired of all the “Extreme Batmans”. Let’s go back to the comical Adam West middle aged muffin top style Batman, with the on screen sound effects and cheesy writing and plots.
Gotta wonder if adding all the proper d-pad controls and bigger UI stuff is because they’re about to maybe go and do just that....
This also would’ve been an ideal time to port this classic to Switch and make the easiest profit in the world, but then again, those FF Pixel Remasters are in the same boat. COME ON GUYS.
All you need is a bit of random chance—or some friends
Her head also might explode if she saw you using a comma after a subordinating conjunction.
Nope. It is and has been valid, even by prescriptivist rules.
That is 100% valid. The world is wearying, and even though it’s good to keep the sins of the world in your mind so you’re not blind to manipulations, it can be hard to stick with it if it’s affecting your mental health and not bringing you joy.
It was with some reluctance I finally unsubscribed from Sterling’s channel recently; They do important, critical work speaking to the problems almost overpowering the AAA games industry; but equally, there was a critical mass to their videos that made it hard to wanna keep watching. To enjoy their videos. The…
Still has some of my go to videos on the state of AAA gaming, it’s many faults and problems; and why there needs to be massive overhaul in the industry. Literally harped on so many problems coming in the future before many others. Terrific content. I used to watch religiously, but new work and schedules made it harder…
You know what? I was wrong and I regret my earlier comment.
Feels like Bonds is a different story. He already was the best before taking steroids. Seems like he got jealous of inferior players taking the limelight by cheating, so he started to juice up too. Kind of like cyclists back in the day who were all hopped up on EPO and blood doping. This guy cheated to be the best…
thank you very much for leading me to this
Fab could actually sing, though.
Ironically Nintendo does make better games since they spend their time making finished products instead of releasing broken half-baked garbage that certain AAA publishers churn out.
Luke your take on this is disastrously bad.
It’s a video about shooting pokemon. With guns. The hell you expect is going to happen to it? Even if nintendo didn’t have an army of lawyers hunting down fan projects, there’s no way something like this survives in the wild for long.
Microsoft value: $2.5 trillion
FWIW, Microsoft’s market cap is much higher than those two. About 10x higher than Disney and a little under twice the size of Amazon.
My first real brush with Beijing Opera (possibly a high I’ll struggle to top) was “Farewell, My Concubine”. A devastatingly beautiful, sad and contemplative film. Anyone seeking a deeper appreciation of both Chinese arts and culture, as well as the upheaval that they’ve gone through (down to outright cultural genocide)…