
Acknowledging her trans identity is worlds different from harassing her for it.

The murder is fake, but the racism is real.

Real life racism and fictional murder.

Boooo this take. Fantasy violence is an accepted/expected part of the package. Resources in that package that help racists engage in real harassment are not. I’m sure there’s like a “My First Fallacy” book you can read for more info.

As you can imagine, parts of the community are frustrated by the studio’s decision, with one player saying the Cannibal is a “cannibal and murderer” who’s unconcerned with “the race of the person whose face he is wearing.” Others argue that “context is king,” and in a game like Dead By Daylight, in which the

The only part of the tech stack with any chance of a beneficial future is the blockchain. It’s designed to solve a very specific problem (centralised control of global finance) but it can find usefulness in other applications like logistics, where independent entities need to have a reliable and immutable record of

currency is backed by a government to ensure that is has value. cryptocurrency is not currency, it’s security.

You didn’t open with “bear with me while I explain” and I can’t tell if I’m proud or disappointed.

Thanks, Zack. This is a beary good article.

“If you’re a modder wouldn’t you be into nft’s as a way to get extra money off your hard work?”

That NFTs help artists and “content creators” is the biggest lie about this whole scam. Yeah, a few of those people become insanely rich selling NFTs, but the vast majority doesn’t, and the system is made to encourage and facilitate this, as part of its ultra-capitalist ideological background. Those who peddle NFTs nee

Cryptocurrency in general is a pyramid scheme; NFTs are a gold brick scam implemented on top of that.

1.) You don’t need NFTs to earn money from the content you’ve made.

Not even a particularly interesting Sunday. That wasn’t even the first time Justin Tucker kicked a game-winning 60+ yard FG to beat the Lions at Ford Field!

For any other franchise, the day an opposing kicker hit a record-long, walk-off 66 yard FG to win would be the most infamous day of their fandom.

Fun fact!

Pizza delivery people have a more dangerous job than cops. And none of them demand to be let off the hook when they murder unarmed suspects. Get your tongue off that boot. 

The geniuses of reddit are mostly basement-dwellers, dude.

holy shit fuck off

I mean making anime refrences to joke about this isn’t in good humor.