
TL;DR Mayim Bialik appears to be a moderate version of Dr Oz, and we should consider ignoring her until she goes away.

Honestly my biggest reason for liking Burton is that he would do things very differently than Trebek and that’s really the only way you can make this work. Its the same issue they had with Price is Right, there were so many candidates that people pointed out would be amazing fits because they could be so much like

That would be bad because:
1.) Apparently she’s anti-vax. I’ve read evidence against this, but not enough to actually defend her on it.
2.) She’s a snake-oil saleswoman. Look up Neuriva.
3.) She’s heavily pro-Israel and ignores its crimes against humanity regarding Palestine. (I’m personally pro-Israel overall, but it’s

LeVar Burton, while did good job as host, kind of clashed against the tone of show given his excitable nature (especially with lot of YEESSSS!!!). If he can tune down that while maintaining his love for knowledge and make more precise delivery, I say he’ll be good or even great fit.”

The thing about LeVar is, I think he’d settle into it well and give it his own flair. Which is exactly what Alex Trebek did. He was shaky at first and only became the icon he was over time. He needed to figure out who he was and find his rhythm. Plus, nobody can ever really replace him, so it makes sense not to try

If remaining the executive producer of the show and getting a seven figure salary for it is getting cancelled sign me the fuck up to get cancelled ASAP. 

And a new EP -- otherwise, the whole situation is basically moribund at this point.

I believe the plan is to do another slate of guest hosts as they scramble for a full-timer. I think Marc’s age (69 -- nice) would prevent him from being in full-time consideration, but as a guest host, 100% backing that, he’s a treasure. Imagine having such an iron will that you host Double Dare while suffering OCD.

He says he recused himself from the selection process itself and I believe that.

But you all would have the SAME complaints because it would still be much more than the median. It would be the exact dame conversation, or if he went even cheaper, one about gentrification. You all are genuinely impossible to please.

Dude I live over the hill from West Hollywood and the neighborhoods around me are filled with 4-5 bedroom houses with pools that run a cool 1.5 million easy. These aren’t giant houses. They are single family homes. I don’t find it ridiculous that a similar sized home in an area like West Hollywood costs that. If he

Thats like me “recusing” myself from choosing what my 8 year old has for dinner and letting him choose. We both know if he makes a “bad” choice (from my perspective) I will overrule him, and it will influence how much freedom I give him in the future.

The only way to actually recuse himself would have been to first

The guy always reminded me of Johnnycab:

They’re going to need another run of guest hosts. I’m being completely serious here—I nominate Marc Summers. He has game show experience, trivia experience and, like LeVar Burton, he’s someone trusted by younger and older viewers alike. Remember, after that original run on the Double Dare shows, he went off to Food

Maybe he just likes living there?

Imagine being such a shitty person you get fired from a job you hired yourself for.

As much as I love LeVar, Ken is a natural. Either one would have been miles better than this sentient jar of Miracle Whip.

Next time, chickity check yourself before you attempt to Trebek yourself, Mike. What a tool.

Why are they struggling so hard to make either of the two correct choices? Which are as follows:

Can we get him to resign as producer now?