Dude, you know we can google that shit. Not to mention I have family and friends in Australia so you’re not fooling anyone.
Dude, you know we can google that shit. Not to mention I have family and friends in Australia so you’re not fooling anyone.
Lol. Have you bothered to look at your own government lately? Yeah you should focus on cleaning up your own backyard.
Eh, History Channel still has some decent stuff. They were responsible for Vikings, if nothing else.
American Fight Pickers, amirite?
“legit company” “crypto market”
It’s all an excuse.
These same people will walk into Wal-Mart and fill a buggy with a bunch of non-FDA approved supplements, then get absolutely plastered on the weekends (not judging that, because I do too), and then to round it off, have awful diets and don’t exercise.
Yet now they want FDA approval because the…
You stopped going to movie theaters 20 years ago because actors get paid?
Disney wants money too. There is no altruistic party in this case. But the fact is, other studios, like WB, have recognized that COVID has hurt box office revenues and simply cut the stakeholders into digital revenue. That’s the right thing to do. Just give ScarJo a percentage of each $30 Disney+ rental. How is that…
Black Woman to be Missed by Audience Members With Good Taste
I’m reminded of the whole Bret Hart “Montreal Screwjob” incident in the WWF where talent like Mick Foley wanted to walk out on the next night of television in protest, but guys like Kane couldn’t go along with it because after years of toiling in obscurity, he finally had a financially stable role in the company he…
“Most of us plan to take the full day off (without pay), but we understand some people like contractors and associates, and those who are paid less than they deserve, might not have the ability to do so.”
I’m pretty sure that if most of those people could do so, then they would.
Dude plenty of people have made issues about the inconsistency of pay in Hollywood. The heck are you talking about?
An unbiased news platform
Not the most important thing here but every time I see Sterling now I get this rush of excitement that Elton John is talking about video games, and I mean that 100% as a compliment.