David Simon:What that lying shitmonger should put up with for the rest of his befouled existence would rival the plagues of Exodus. Americans are dead because of his willful disinformation. Fuck him to locusts and boils.
David Simon:What that lying shitmonger should put up with for the rest of his befouled existence would rival the plagues of Exodus. Americans are dead because of his willful disinformation. Fuck him to locusts and boils.
Came here to say this, too. Jezebel is once again talking out of both sides of their mouth. You don’t get to claim to support Britney, and then go back to the same gossip and trash-talk that is literally the poison running through her entire life. Do better.
Thank you for this. I’m in consistently unimpressed with just how tasteless and awful Dirt bag posts can be, especially on such matters. This shit is especially awful.
I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has…
That’s actually not true. At least in practice.
Man, I hope Ichiban doesn’t join a boyband before Yakuza 8.
I miss that look but I see why it’s not practical. Even a cheap off-brand wooden barrel is going to cost a hobo more than a set of clothes.
This explains why he’s been wearing nothing but a barrel with suspenders since Avatar came out.
Ash and I are the exact same age and they are 100% correct in this statement. Black women in gaming are an afterthought. Whether is in development or from a player standpoint.
No, they aren’t why she got the records but that she got those records being who she is is important. It’s okay, not everything is for you. When I speak like this, I’m talking to my people, not you, who need to see this. Right now we could name several white male devs. To us, they are household names. We could not do…
Call me pedantic, but her collection is just so much more aesthetically pleasing than most, and I respect that to pieces because my biggest issue with collectors is that so many seem to use the cheapest, ugliest shelving for their collections.
I work in the car industry (car salesman for ford) and its def hitting us hard who know when we will be getting new vehicles in, but yeah its crazy how even last gen consoles are so hard to get and not even going to start with current gen....
“The ones that got pregnant are the ones that were supposed to get pregnant” feels kind of gross.
Reminds me of a L&O SVU with a guy who got off on getting women pregnant - lie about being sterile or damage condoms or switch out birth control pills. All about ego (look at MY SEED, see how well my dick works, coo over attributes from my genetic contribution), and control (You need me now more than ever while your…
We need more black families, not baby daddy’s/baby mommas and this fool who claims to love the black community and want to lift us up, keeps getting randos knocked up and not marrying none of them, and this is a role model? Get theeeee fuck outttaaa here.
This seems to be a common thing in most industries. I’m in the dental field and a lot of stuff we order from suppliers are near impossible to get. When I talk to the suppliers it’s always the same thing, manufactures just can’t keep up with the demand. I had gotten better though from a year ago when things were much…
Hey, if you like it—we love it, Nick!
Pookie and Ray-ray Voltron Nick Cannon is out here shooting up the club with four different IG models. Four different single mothers running four different broken single parent households with a single stretched thin part time father.
“Trust me, there’s a lot of people that I could’ve gotten pregnant that I didn’t. The ones that got pregnant are the ones that were supposed to get pregnant.”