
Hey I actually misspelled it. The term is Glycogen Supercomensation it's what happens after you go through a nice long Keto Run and then you carb load eating around every 2 hours.

That's hardcore. If you do a Keto for like 10 days then you can do a Glycemic Composition for two days and really pack on muscle. But it only works if your Fat % is low enough. Mine isn't.

Exactly. Skeletons are terrifying. I think we need some monster variety from all the zombies and vampires we've been getting fed lately.

Am I crazy for thinking that people from different cultures should be eating different foods. Carbs may affect you differently than me. Some people need animal protein others may react poorly. I just don't think the one size fits all theory is good for nutrition.

I've been on a Keto diet before. It works as a fat burning mechanism but under no circumstances should one stay on it for longer than 2 weeks in my opinion. It makes you irritable, and it decreases your brain function. It's a great tool but I don't think it's something to do forever.

I love that the ninth Doc is a T rex.

"Light, ephemeral, almost fruity." is he talking about a bee sting or a nice dry Zinfandel?

Yep. They're very well put together. I've always said if the world ends at least I'll look good while it's going to hell.

Good list. Dang I need to rewatch Akira when I first saw it I was completely confused.

They look rather clean for it being the end of the world.

Yeah but the Harold and Kumar movies are hilarious...Well at least I think so.

Wow you put Janelle Monae at #2. That's kind of crazy but whatever it's your list.

That would be super cool. Although they have some kind of barrier that explains why they haven't left the Galaxy.

That's insane. So what's the point of that why not just use any of the other dating sites?

Really? That's fing crazy.

Do people actually go on Ashley Madison? I mean there's no way that site actually works is there it's so gross.

Cash money? That seems like a good reason.

Nice I'm excited. I usually don't crank up shows until late or after they're off like The Wire. I usually can't handle the waits though.

Ok I haven't been watching Fringe. I'll crank it up on Netflix now that I know it isn't going to get canceled.

Homework is their best one to me but Disco Very was amazing.