
I guess I want a new Trek to be further into the future. Past Voyager.

Fantastic! Thanks for this.

Dang do we need another Star Trek show. Something unrelated to the movies.

Well done.

Well I wouldn't suggest you chop your fingers off like Django. But the rest of it yes I suggest you try to write.

Dang I should mute myself for missing Cybotron a classic. Although it should be higher. I guess I'll listen to that right now.

This list better bring the P-Funk in the top ten. Also where's the techno? All in all an ok list waaaayyy too much metal for my taste.

Yeah the Worf/Troi thing was a little off but then again I'm a Worf fanboy so it was ok to me. ha.

You are absolutely ridiculous. Where do you get off saying I have a low opinion of Rape victims? Yes some Rape victims would be in the demographic to afford a $10,000 bill but many many many won't. Also you seem to have a low opinion of Africans where apparently travelers are routinely raped and given HIV because that

Please stop building straw men. Nobody is saying Condoms are fool proof. All people are saying is that of the things that we can control practicing Safe Sex is a much cheaper and less dangerous way to combat transmission.

Well if you get raped then I'm assuming you probably aren't going to be in the list of people who are paying $10,000 in Aids prevention medicine. You can only control what you can control. So yeah this will probably get me very fucking far in life.

Hmmmm. How about one just wraps up his wang before he puts into places that he doesn't know very well? Or how about one makes sure someone else's wang that one doesn't know very well is wrapped up before it's stuck into him? Or you could take the massively expensive drug that still allows for a 27% chance of

Well I don't have much to say about Chakotay and Seven but yeah that was questionable to say the least.

Fela is too low.

Thanks! Do you work for the show?

It was an ok Sci Fi movie well made and all but it wasn't Star Trek. That's my beef. I personally think Star Trek works best on TV tho. That's the best medium for it.

I really dislike JJ. That last movie would have been fine if it wasn't named Star Trek. I want a new series set after Voyager personally. I always thought Star Trek worked better on TV than movies anyway.

You sir are a scholar and a gentleman. Kudos.

LOL the Hairstylist went to High School with my brother and the random culture/heart guy went to the same college as me although we never met.

Hey well I think they should definitely add a black face to the Bachelor. BTW I'm available I'm Black, Single, relatively underachieving young man. I have lived on both coasts and am attracted to all races. I'm 6'2 and I've been working out all spring in preparation for summer. I drive a Toyota Corrolla but I'm