Breaking news: Misogynist white man with lots of privilege cannot handle losing contest to a woman. Just wants things handed to him and get the woman jailed.
Yeah, get some bootstraps donnie!
But it’s affirmative action and political correctness that are problems because then brown people and women just expect things to be given to them.
Well, this nasty woman just finished filling out her absentee ballot (for a toss-up state with a competitive Senate race, natch) and is enjoying a nice glass of whisky. So enjoy it while you can, you pumpkin-faced loon.
Breaking news: white man with lots of privilege cannot handle losing contest. Just wants things handed to him.
Commentor Busslayer upthread summed it up best. It’s not about black voters, it’s about white voters. Specifically, it is about the white voters who are on the fence about casting their ballot for Trump due to his racism. This gives them the “out” they want. It soothes their nerves when they can say he reached out to…
They want their gays desperate enough to fuck them in public bathrooms.
Dayum. That staircase is gorgeous, but you know someone is going to puke inside the lid of that baby grand, right?
Beautiful photos of the Jezebel house where we all live and menstruate in tandem
Cunt punt in 3...2...1...
It was back in 1978 that God changed his mind about black people...
Well haven’t you heard? Fox is a cucked RINO globalist shill network partly owned by Saudi Arabia and threatened by the Clown Emperor’s campaign as much as any other mainstream media outlet. True Patriots™ get their news from Infowars and RT. They’re the only ones with integrity and are brave enough to tell The Truth®…
Every time I root for Megyn Kelly I do a shot.
STOP MAKING ME LIKE YOU, MEGYN KELLY. It’s like being 12 again and rooting for my dad in the divorce after he cheated on my mom. IT JUST FEELS WRONG BUY I CAN’T HELP IT BECAUSE MY MOM WAS TERRIBLE.
Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.
At my other job (I’m a chef and so that obviously means I have to cobble together some semblance of a living through multiple paychecks) I work with all women and it is divine. It’s all about problem solving, sharing information, collaboration, and zero ego. When we carpool home from out of town weddings we almost…
C’mon, you know why.