Terry Pratchett always and forever... Because he’s fucking Terry Pratchett is why. (plus, he was a brilliant satirist with great insight into people and a wonderful way with words)
Terry Pratchett always and forever... Because he’s fucking Terry Pratchett is why. (plus, he was a brilliant satirist with great insight into people and a wonderful way with words)
“Mother doesn’t like people on the lawn.”
Verbal Bukkake
umm excuse me she is classy did u not read the tweet smh
No, sex is the real sin, because it makes you happy and it’s free.
But please remember that abortion is the true sin.
I would rather see him fucking a plane that fucking a country.
I think cruelty IS his Viagra.
I think you just identified the next Executive Order...
Let’s be real, if he thought he could use them as slave labor in his hotels, he’d take them.
You’d understand it if you spoke Working-class American, duhhhhh. Here, let a Real American translate for you:
image h/t: Penultimate Straw, b3ta.com
That’s a “Time to GTFO” phrase if I’ve ever heard one.
I’d like to dedicate an extra-special side-eye to that bit about “heads of households.” I mean, if they were actually referring to the person who bears the most responsibility and manages the household, they’d be mostly talking about women, but we know good and well that’s not what they mean.
“State’s Rights” is my immediate nope-on-out prompt.
We also left because some dudes nearby started discussing the Civil War, which according to them was about “state’s rights.” :)
As a longtime ally, I fucking love your goddamn community, too.
As a queer, I want to say that I fucking love our goddamn community.
I wish that all those girls have a good time with their friends, learn about how our system of government works and enjoy being a part of an inauguration.
I have a co-worker who, after Trump won, printed this out and hung it on the wall. He’s one of a very small number of Trump supporters around here. He became upset when he realized *someone* drew a Hitler mustache on Trump. He’s still trying to figure out who would do such a thing and has accused almost everyone in…