
His Westworld robot of Shitty Politician is set to widen eyes at the word SEMEN.

As others have said before me...he should be forced to carry this unviable campaign to term. His (political) life is in danger? Too bad, so sad. That precious, precious presidential campaign is alive (even if hideously deformed and its death is both inevitable and painful for those that love it). It would be murder

You know, as I’m sitting here reading this story and watching footage of Trump surrounded by Bill Clinton Accusers, I’ve been trying to figure out how much lower this campaign can get: what the “rock bottom” will possibly be, and I think I’ve found the answer:

Sorry Pence, this campaign is in it’s 14th month. Too late to abort now.

I think hoping for the c-bomb isn’t like wishing for a unicorn; ain’t gonna happen. But I’d bet you $5 to 20 that he calls her a bitch.

I Predict he wil either make fun of a disabled person or fat shame an overweight woman causing them to become visibly upset, Hillary will go give that audience member a hug, and the next she will rip intk Donald for being a heartless monster on live tv.

Educated and prepared = “Elitist”.

Guys I’m at city hall waiting to vote right now! I’m so overcome with joy to be able to cast my vote not only for our first female president but a kick ass human being.

That’s all beside the fact that Hillary Clinton is 68, so she has been preparing for this debate for the last 50 years, at least.

Black velvet paintings are even classier than fuck.

Oh my God, I just have to share this, folks!

Trump counting on his fingers.

Took me three tries to hit your star button because I was laughing so hard.

A teacher who’s class that particular student transferred out from in the third week of semester one. “Well sure I’ll sign your yearbook! Now how is it your name is spelled again?”


I thought exactly the same thing. Maybe someone else wrote it for him?

Or that Trump’s election and economic plans have been rated as bad an economic issue as the Chinese housing bubble collapsing and China having an economic recession while defaulting on debts....srsly that came up in my economics class int eh spring. My very libertarian teacher said he’d take a socialist like Sanders

But you can still convince the undecided.