Understatement of the century right here:
Understatement of the century right here:
Personally, I simply want to reduce the vaping community down to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it.
“Oh, all of them, Katie.”
Oh, come on. My crippling alcoholism is a fine religion, if you ask me.
If this is what your religion teaches / preaches, your religion sucks.
men are just too emotional for sports
Willingly standing in line @ the unemployment office?
If it had been Selina Meyer, Gary would have been all over this.
Feats of Strength! Yes!
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
Not to mention someone needs to explain the difference between maternity leave and family leave to the Trumps. One promotes gender bias in hiring and promotions, the other doesn’t.
Smashing the patriarchy is my #1 vagenda item all day err day!
Doesn’t it seem like what Trump really means when he says “make America great again” is “make me feel like a big man”? Like, on most objective metrics America is doing better than before, and on the ones where we’re not so great (rolling back access to abortion providers, rising income inequality) he doesn’t actually…
If you add in an obsession with trains.... yea just about.
Didn’t Ayn Rand already write a bunch of those?
Seriously, he looks like something predatory trying very, very hard to look human.