
Catholic Feminist here! I definitely have a hard time reconciling those two parts of me, but the way I try to reconcile them is by understanding that God gave us free will and that He wants us to think and decide things for ourselves. Also, there is a difference between the people of the Catholic Church and the

Same way that there are lots of pro-choice feminists who are “personally pro-life”—that is, they wouldn’t choose to abort themselves, but believe in the right for every woman to freely choose for herself. Also, it’s possible to consider yourself a member of a religion without necessarily following or approving of

i would argue that making an informed decision to choose that life for yourself should be acceptable within the framework of feminism, as long as you don’t condemn other women for making different choices. i haven’t read the linked article because really who has the time, but the excerpted portions don’t strike me as

Choosing chastity because you dig that lifestyle is feminism. Choosing chastity because sex = sin and realizing that you like being chaste is Stockholm Syndrome.

I just threw my work computer out the window.

Yeah, but this one time Hillary met with the King of Bahrainistan or whatever after he gave her foundation some money, so, y’know, it’s all equal and stuff.

By a toilet seat off the space station.

He also inadvertently admitted he has no idea how sex with a willing partner’s vagina works, so there’s that.

So this dude turned a sexual assault into an opportunity to compliment hhimself on the size of his dick? Wow.

Not. Enough. Punctuation.!

Are you saying those people don’t know the value of something they can pawn for meth?

who are all these noble and brave patriots who can be at a Trump rally at 10am on a weekday? Shouldn’t they be at their jobs, all furiously bootstrapping? Sad!

As a follower of christ, I had to take quick decisive action and cut off an old lady to get the spot closest to the front of the grocery store. It’s what the lord wanted for my kids.

I don’t understand how he bounced a check when he has that sweet job lined up writing medical A-OKs for Donald Trump.

Here’s a pic of me, newly of drinking age, in my favorite t-shirt:

No kidding. Tamir Rice he ain’t.

I’m 52, and I would say it’s gotten worse in my lifetime.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Prosecutors don’t look for truth, they look for convictions.

If ever a purely comedic performance deserved a Best Actor Oscar it was Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein. In my opinon it is the single best comedy of all time and Wilder’s performance one of the all-time great comedic turns.

But like one of those 1950s high school jocks when they still weren’t letting black students play and he just had to be mildly athletic