Do the conflicting maintenance-level-indicators create a rip in the time-space continuum...causing Bruce’s dick to get even smaller?
Do the conflicting maintenance-level-indicators create a rip in the time-space continuum...causing Bruce’s dick to get even smaller?
I begin to think we may never run out of examples that demonstrate Trump is a narcissist and a misogynist of the first water.
Minister of Hemlines
Riiiight. Because I’m sure his winning combination uppers, viagra and Eastern European hookers side pieces interns won’t have any adverse cardio-vascular reppercussions over a 4 year period.
Just like “You’re Fired!”, what makes you think Trump’s lawyers haven’t already copyrighted “Oompa Loompa Hitler”?
Magic Moses and the Ten Commandments — where the Commandments are actually 10 really ripped male strippers. It’s a movie pitch that practically writes itself!
Least convincing scientist cosplay since they put Denise Richards in a lab coat and “smart girl” glasses.
Yeah, but there is a clear understanding about an actor’s stake in the movie (or play, etc.). The K-J’s are trying to hide big money from manufacturers under the fig leaf of a social media post we’re expected to believe is a “hey, you guys, this is neat” thing when it’s pretty much professionally produced advertising.
“Donald Trump uses the word ‘apology’ incorrectly in a sentence, fails SAT verbal. Sad.”
I’m going to go with:
Maybe somebody should point out to them that “negging” doesn’t work when the woman is already dead. #MRAamateurs
A) The Rightwing Rage Industrial Complex (all “facts” custom made! 100% reality free), or
Or, in a more Trumpian vein:
If I can’t bang the Statue of Liberty on election night then she’s a stupid slut and probably a lesbian and was in the tank for Hillary the whole time. Unfair!
But if I remember reading the rest of this story as reported elsewhere Ailes then goes on to do another 180 later, after she has accepted the position, and extracts coersive sex from her for a decade or more. AND uses her to find new, unsuspecing, young pieces of ass as his ardor for her wanes over time but she…
“If I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of...misogynist sanctimony and making sure my beliefs exponentially exacerbate someone else’s problems.”
What’s that spell?
Her political views have totally not transitioned and are still 100% entitled white male. Her whole “Imma be the GOP’s Trans Ambassador” was sadly myopic. Nnotice she (smartly!) didn’t go anywhere near the actual convention. Because honestly given the tone of Trump’s GOP, I doubt she’d get out without having been…
Well, when your idea of economics is to fleece the maximum number of rubes and skip town before the bill comes...
Trump’s binders full of Eastern European mail order brides don’t count?
I’m pretty sure the fine print of the Trophy Wife Lease allows him to return her to an authorized state-side dealership rather than having to pay to ship her back to her country of origin. I mean, he’ll have a hot, new trophy-wife-in-training to pay for so it’s not like he can be expected to pay for what’s-her-name to…