LOL at “criminalizing the white race”
There are assholes who think this is playful...I don’t fucking get it, but like...spiking people’s drinks is “innocent fun” or some bullshit to people.
Normal, decent people get their friends extra drunk, as a prank?
I’ve literally never heard of people spiking friends drinks for “fun” what the fuck kind of assholes do you hang out with?
I don’t think it’s “normal” or “decent” to try to get someone drunker than they might want to be without their knowledge. Not a “funny prank” to play on a potentially pregnant woman, or someone on medication, or the night’s designated driver...
I am taking a communications course in college and we have to do a Persusive speech next week. We each had to go around and say what our topic is. I have to sit there and listen to a 20 year old white male talk about “ why affirmative action needs to be outlawed “, another young know it all talk about why “ abortion…
“Soup de Jour is just code for soup of the day.” Code. Code.
Cops in this country are noting but inept bullies with badges and guns.
Has anyone ever told cops that respect is a two way street? Police unions are now actually complaining they can’t do their job. Why? Because they’re being closely watched. If they were doing nothing wrong, they wouldn’t care who was taping them. They have no respect for the people they police. None! Many of them…
This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.
This is beyond horrifying.
why should she? looks good on her and if she has it checked regularly she doesn’t need to worry about skin cancer.
Fucked up how?
Really? What freaking cause do they have to lock his accounts for appropriately blurred photographs of email exchanges? I saw the screenshots this morning, and was excited. Lemon’s a toolbag, and I enjoy people being able to tell him that, especially when they’re as nice as Shawn (because I *know* I would not react as…
As if we needed another reminder that Don Lemon is awful.
I am currently 24 years old. Just yesterday, i went with my husband of two years to buy a new bedroom set with my furniture store line of credit, which may be the most adult thing I’ve ever done in my life, but I am still astonished that anyone would extend me any kind of line of credit, or even let me operate a…
such an opportunity to use that gif has not existed in years.