
I was having a “discussion” with someone about sending astronauts to mars. He stated the first team should be all male, to prevent “space babies”.

how bernie isnt winning this race is a tragedy

So it was Fostered from the English language.

Well I know alcohol is often a factor in how babby is formed?

And at the University of Alabama. I mean, at Harvard sure, Stanford you bet, but Jesus H Christ kids, you go to the University of Alabama. You’re barely in a state.

But think of all the money and hours they drum up for charity y’all. /s

My mom said to Jr. High me, “I know you put on a lot of makeup to try to change your face, but you can’t change your face.”

“What they are saying is that because I don’t think surgery will turn a man into a woman I should not be allowed to speak anywhere.”

They’re not heroes. They’re citizen soldiers.

I was in tears. Yesterday I heard a fucking horrific story of domestic violence in one of my student’s families. After reading this I’m considering becoming a masked vigilante.

aww now your making me blush :) glad I made your day a little better, I find on Jez I can get a lot of information really quickly that is exactly what I’m wondering about, while I would have no starting point on google and just be inundated with lots of unrelated info. Jez has educated me on soooo many topics and

thanks that at least gives me a place to start. Otherwise I would be googling “Why Mother Theresa so bad”

Missionary work is indeed something I agree with you on. Wanting to convert those in need is not noble and hurts people.

Not surprising considering the history and real legacy of Mother Theresa. Just following in her footsteps of actually hurting people instead of really helping. Luckily there are loads of amazing and cool nuns, but Mother Theresa and her order were/are not these people.

Eric Cantor getting primaried was the first horseman. Boehner quitting (right after meeting the Pope!) was the second. This is the third horseman of the GOP apocalypse. I’m calling it, dammit!

My jezebel reading strategy: 2% of time on the original article/post, 98% of time on the comments.