
My week sucked. I was mugged the other day and lost my bag, purse, keys. I had to wait 3 hours for the council to gain entry to my flat, then the food bank couldn’t help me and I was not in the mood to argue the fact, I was weepy and upset. I nearly put my phone in pawn to afford to get through the next few weeks but

This is why I don’t comment anymore. Every time I see a few usernames I want to scream at them to shut the fuck up and listen for once in their goddamn lives, but I don’t want to be re-grayed for starting shit. If you’re a dude who comments repeatedly on almost every post and are reading this right now: please know

...what do you think intersectionality means?

oh maybe I wasn’t clear. All those ellipses were to show how fucking confused I was about you suggesting that we just do away with intersectionality. you ....suggest we .............abandon intersectionality?

i love that it’s a chubby white guy yelling at a woman and a black man about this.

Ooh Lawd, I was in a “lively debate” with a friend of a relative-in-law. He’s a cop. He, bravely albeit naively, decided to defend his “brothers in blue” to some relatives. I told him that if “Dale the Good Cop” chooses to ignore the indescretions of bad cops, then Dale isn’t a good cop. He stated that many good cops

yes, making a comment about the awkward phrasing on the gossip round up of this website is why men don’t come forward. I’m sorry I’m not giving him enough kudos for doing the bare minimum.

He went on to say that “more women need to be pushed to power,”

Aptitude for what? The point is that a: what it says it tests for it really doesn’t (suitability for college) and b: by leaning heavily on that test we lose out on actual deep thinkers as those SATs are shallow as shit.

Of course. And the reason kinja says I’m spelling colour, humour and flavour incorrectly is because I am, right?

Thank you! It’s always gratifying to see a bit of active moderation, especially on a post like this one.

Yeah the definite way to level the playing field is for the oppressed to bite their tongues and avoid posting silly harmless memes that vent their frustration with toxic systemic oppression.

“[A]n immature and stupid response that literally could not have ended any other way.” What an impressively succinct encapsulation of exactly the type of reflexive bootlickery Burneko denounced in his piece. And the nice thing is, you can make literally the same exact argument in favor of literally any act of defiance

Labor forgets its class consciousness sometimes, but capital never does.

Falling in line every time JUST MOVES THE FUCKING LINE.

Counter counterpoint: he has made all his legal remedies more valuable and effective by raising the stakes.

This is the same argument for people who argue in favor of management over labor. Theoretically, only a tiny, fraction of a percent of people should be making those arguments, yet, anecdotally, it is an alarmingly large percentage.

This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.

Now playing

Something else that’s present in “Chasing Amy” (albeit as a subplot with Hooper) is the idea of marginalized identities within marginalized communities. How do you reconcile all pieces of yourself when you know that to be public with that is to lose the support of one of the communities you identify with?