
Good for him.

I decided against clicking play, it was making me too uncomfortable already.

I am cringing so hard and i haven’t even clicked play yet.

The reason it comes up as often as it does is there really isn’t much more to say. No one seems to respect “she knows she’s a girl and wants us to call her (insert female name here) and use female pronouns” as enough justification. So people add the other stuff because there’s not much more to say. However, despite

This album was the soundtrack to Christmas in my mother’s house for years! I honestly kinda miss it a little.

First things first, yes the phone is way better. The questions about transition are totally fair, they’ll let you know if you cross a line. The question about therapy could possibly be taken the wrong way so you might want to ease into it. Depending on where you live therapy might not be a necessary step in the

lol, Thats an easy one then. My brother and his wife came for the holidays every year and were supportive when I came out to them. They have not been back in the two years since. It’s hard not to make assumptions about why.

Also, be on the lookout for changes in your behavior towards them. They will most likely notice and possibly worry that their coming out to you has something to do with it. plenty of people initially voice support and you never see them again. So it’s easy to be super sensitive to that kind of stuff.

Well I can’t really tell you where to start. But just being asked questions is nice, it shows you’re interested in what they’re dealing with. I spent my life desperately trying to make sure others didn’t know, so i was pretty closed off to everyone for most of my life. It’s really nice to finally be able to open up to

I am trans. I also started transition close in age to your brother. I’m willing to try to answer whatever questions you might have.

My father never went anywhere without a radio. I was practically raised by conservative talk radio. I had a lot of v strong political opinions at that age. Thank fucking God the Internet didn’t exist to record them all.

i’ll leave this here

I may just have really low expectations but i was happy to see he used the right name.

If your choices are social justice or stand up comedy and you pick comedy, your values are a bit messed up.

That one line may have been my favorite thing from that whole show.

I understand, I just worry that in getting from point A to point B we may be watering things down to the point that they don’t mean anything anymore.

Right, the idea that men can benefit from feminism does not mean that feminism is for men.

I’m curious, do you think that someone who makes decisions about their life based upon their feminist beliefs is not a feminist, or would that be small scale activism?

Unfortunately, i do spend a bit of time on a forum where a decent number of people agree with MRAs even if they would not identify as such, and yes they do think of themselves as people who respect women(not “feminazis” they’re ugly and not real women anyway) and that what they believe in is equality. It’s important

Cultural, not biblical.