
Don’t you think it’s just magical? I want to desecrate it next time I go, but it’s behind glass.

As the exhausted patient of a dental practice that blasts Christian music, has Christian “art” everywhere, and whose employees ask me occasionally what church I go to, I say with excitement, sue their Christian asses out of business.

Including the LGB community.

Including members of the LGB groups.

guns and men are the problem, we need to get rid of them

Harper-Mercer complained in the writings about not having a girlfriend, and he seemed to feel like he was very rational while others around him were not, the official said.

When is the last time a women’s sport was covered with the depth and interest that even shitty men’s teams get?

living monogram

No, “Everything happens for a reason” people are the WORST people. I agree with the rest of your list though.

This is exactly how I’ve felt for years. I hope Obama is coming for your guns, all of them, you fucking monsters. Yes. #AllOfYou

Quick, Congress! Do nothing!


He was encouraged by her “ambiguous signals.” It’s called “not wanting to make her advisor an enemy.” It’s called “not antagonizing the person who is the gatekeeper to her career.” Fuck. This is why the codes against fraternizing should be extended to grad school.

Yes, sadly this is what this case sounds like. Cavander clearly had an agenda, the rest of the team fell in line, and it was all precipitously downhill from there. Appalling.

I don’t know which is more sickening—that the cops responsible for the murder of that child were promoted or that one of them saw fit to shove the fact of her promotion in a grieving mother’s face when she expressed her outrage that their incompetence got her son killed. I wouldn’t be surprised if they fucked up the

Because they think women are evil bitches who lie about rape to fuck with fine, upstanding men. That's all there is to it.

Those cops should be charged as accessories before the fact.

His next project is a remake of Selma starring Channing Tatum as Chet, the brave white man who leads MLK across a bridge.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I am so happy he didn't die and he found a nice vampire boyfriend.