What’s funny is that he filed a racial discrimination lawsuit a couple of years ago.
Don citrus is the f*cking worst. Respectability politics will not save you from a White Supremacist’s bullet, Mr. Lemon.
The issue is the video wouldn’t exist. No one would have called the police if a white kid didn’t have a bathing suit. That is the point you’re missing here.
Lots of people already don’t. It’s actually pretty understood in a number of places that you don’t involve the police because of what might happen to you as an innocent.
Trust me, I won’t. I’ve seen what happens when you call the police for help these days.
Oh, but look at these absolutely terrifying children in swimsuits! The poor widdle cops had to have feared for their lives.
They always have been.
I am so done with this. I can no longer see any cop without immediately feeling suspicion and revulsion. How many times do we need to see police terrorizing their communities before we do something?
Yeah, the mental illness arguments and transgender comparisons are really grating on my nerves at this point.
White people are fucked up.
OH MY GOD. I had a similar experience on a stationary bike during a physical therapy session. Except I did orgasm. Best day of physical therapy ever.
This is why I love Jezebel so much. Just about every time I click on an article and find more shitty comments than good ones it’s because the article had been cross posted from a sister site.
Over on Gawker a lot of shitty shitty people are all like “but if you can have trans-gendered people how is this not the same thing?” And I hope to fucking god this comment section doesn’t go down that shitty, shitty, path. not the same thing people.
GoodFellas sucked! There wasn’t a single makeover montage, and the couple ended up getting divorced at the end. Two thumbs down.
On the plus side, his circumcision briefly protected him from HPV.
I am in the camp that if you are really considering an abortion at 7mo, you should fucking get one. Because no good ever came of forcing a person to have a child and giving birth is fucking terrifying and painful and dangerous af.