
Like, I seriously made the same mistake. For like, 2 years. DAMN YOU, MADISON SQUARE GARDEN CHANNEL


omg I love center stage so much back when I had TV I would always see it on the TV guidez and then I would go to it and it was always stupid fucking baseball and my life was ruined.

She is perfect as fuck

Yo if it meant that I could have sex with Zoe Saldana I would grow ten thousand stupid ass beards I would cover myself in beards all the beards everywhere


Because everyone vastly overestimates their contributions to the world, and underestimates the damage they cause to it?

I think the real issue here is that trans women provide a perfect target for cis women to vent their impotent rage against the patriarchy. That is, it’s much easier and safer to say “Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t know what it’s like to be afraid while walking home alone at night!” than to fight against the patriarchal

Truth. And I keep thinking about the fact that most cisgendered women never have to publicly discuss how they view their gender, and what they think comprises that gender. Caitlyn Jenner is a political conservative in her 60s being asked how she identifies her own sense of femaleness. Is it any surprise that the

What particularly bums me out is the forums and microphones we allow TERFs. Like, allowing this individual a platform at all, along with her bullshit about how “EVERYONE THINKS THIS BUT NO ONE SAYS IT” (um, no, dear, we’re not all as bigoted and rotten as you, thanks) is another way of mainstreaming this kind of idea.

she needs to be put out to TERF pasture.

Burkett’s piece was some white woman nonsense and is a perfect example of why many* white women feminists over the age of 40 tend to piss me the fuck off.

This is the double standard trans women are forced into. We aren’t “woman enough” for some people because we lack the “right experiences”, as if every cis woman on earth has the same experiences (thanks for that one, clueless white feminists), but we are being “gender essentialist” if we suggest for even a second that

I don’t know why people find it so hard to believe that you can have differing experiences and still share the same identity. Of course trans women do not have the exact same experience of womanhood that cis women do. Women of color don’t have the same experiences that white women do, and queer women don’t have the

Ain’t nobody got time for TERFs

I understand that. But God is God, no? Such an analysis of the situation ignores the very big problem that God allowed the molestation to happen in the first place. It’s okay, though, because He used it to serve a purpose, right? To which I say, roundly, FUCK THAT SHIT. Could not God use his Godness to prevent the


The lack of sympathy words for the Duggar victims, and only general sympathy for the family. I hate it when people say “how sad for the family” and nothing about the actual four molested sisters.

I think God had a plan for that.