Don’t worry at all, I actually appreciated that you didn’t come at me more strongly! I know my righteously indignant fuse is not as controllable :-)
Don’t worry at all, I actually appreciated that you didn’t come at me more strongly! I know my righteously indignant fuse is not as controllable :-)
I don’t believe him, and everything about him rubs me the wrong way. He’s trying to get notoriety and narcissistically further his ambition, while lashing out at innocent people in the process. Look how he’s been behaving since the “incident.” Is this how a real victim would act? And, assuming that somehow what he…
Most boring feud ever.
Damn, I though that life news’ congratulatory tweet was super classy, this is more what I expect. . . .
Why the fuck did they bother to congratulate her then if they’re just going to be a dick afterwards?! Oh, right, they’re fucking morons.
The fact she’s having them anyway negates the notion that she’s okay with killing them. Maybe because she actually wants them as opposed to being forced to have them?
OMG these anti abortion people are too stupid to tweet. How are people born, ie. not aborted, so stupid?????
Eww, that’s so gross. These are not nice people and obviously super dense that they can’t understand the difference between a wanted and unwanted pregnancy.
I was pro-choice before I got pregnant, but pregnancy really cemented my belief that access to free and safe abortions is one of the most important issues today. NO ONE should have to go through a pregnancy if they don’t want to. People who say “put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it” can go fuck…
I clicked on that and the comments are just AWFUL. Good lord the wording on that tweet is so unfair and misleading. What a disgusting thing to do.
I got pregnant at 20 and am pro-choice. I chose to have the baby. Reaction from others: But, but, I thought you guys believed in abortion, right? CHOICE motherfuckers. What part of that word do you not understand, other than trying to take it away from us?
You magnificent bastard
I’m so sorry. I’m laughing A LOT at you right now, but I am also so, so sorry.
I am laughing so hard at this right now. ...sorry for being amused at your misfortune.
i’ve never had to X out of a website so fast in my entire life
Check out their website,
What a piece of fucking shit.