
Mr. Seinfeld, respectfully, shut the fuck up.

Notes of Observation:

There is a big difference between propogating transphobia and wanting to learn about something. Cis-women on this thread think they have the inherent privilege and entitlement to talk about subjects they know nothing about and in doing so contribute to a culture that is hostile and violent toward trans individuals. It

I am saying that holding and expessing transphobic rhetoric culminates in the loss of actual human lives. I didn’t say this specifically about you.

stop treating transphobic attacks as benign differences of opinion. because they aren’t... they are violent speech acts that contribute to a world that is hostile and violent toward actual human lives. This isn’t up for debate.

I just don’t see how policing other women and how they choose to present could ever be considered feminist.

It is actually not an exaggeration. By contributing to a world that is hostile and violent toward lgbtq indivduals you create the conditions in which many youths choose suicide over coming out. If you aren’t activley resisting this than you are part of the problem... and there is blood on your hands.

We equated race with religion when black folks used the Israelites as a prototype. They equate GLBT civil rights with the Black civil rights movement in the US. I can equate gender and race because they both have to do with fundamental phenotype and identity. Caitlyn’s penis makes her no more a man in her head than my

Well, than you are a hateful and ignorant person. do you want a prize?

I’m sorry to hear that. It was shitty for that author to deny trans women their experiences. I bet lots of people will give her plenty to think about in letters to the NY Times.

Let me preface by saying when it’s worded like that I think it’s crap, but a valid critique that I belive Laverne cox or Janet mock have talked about and many other trans women of color is that to be seen as a “real women” and to get the level of support Caitlyn has received, you have to adhere to traditional

trans woman

A dear, dear friend of mine was gang raped by four men when she first started living as herself a few years ago. Another trans friend was beaten nearly to death around the holidays. They are huge targets for violence, both sexual and physical.

Then you are a transphobic asshole. Here's your cookie.

You say “absurd difficulty”, I say “doesn’t coddle the weak”.

You’re trolling and don’t deserve a single response. Your point of view is not coherent and you make many hypocritical points. I would love for you to explain how trans inclusion leads to the sidelining of what you call “biological issues,” or how trans inclusion could ever pose a problem for feminism.... you seem to

I’m not going to speak for your mother because I’ve never met her or interacted with her in any way, but this article is definitely bigotry and other articles I’ve read by women who share these views are bigotry. If your mother can talk about her concerns with misgendering and insulting trans women, without

A terrible game?! Come say that to my face! 😡😤

I have a feeling OP’s gonna be fulllll of questions.

that article is transphobic as fuck.