
To be honest, I often think Miss Piggy counts as a drag persona.

Everything, including “I am a Porcine American,” has to be a joke, and a terrible one, right?

I expect I’ll join you soon if I make another comment about Bobby Finger’s terrible writing. He is a terrible writer.

Fair enough - but you have to admit that the Liberal press has anointed Jenner as the second coming and treated this as if it’s the biggest and best news story since...since ever...

I’ve worked and known people who have transitioned from male to female, and honestly a lot of them struggle with the privilege they had to give up. I also talked to a friend this weekend who transitioned from female to male, because he deals with his anxiety better now. It all is a bit strange really. I believe firmly

The fact that you seem somewhat perturbed by the fact that you believe the liberal media has “anointed” her shows just how much it is a big fucking deal. This is a woman who in the sharing of her story and her transition is teaching a lot to the general public. Which is amazing. I cannot tell you how many of even my

Oh man, one of my facebook friends from high school posted a link to the Blaze article. He literally wrote “this is not the hateful article you may think it is” and the headline was “Bruce Jenner is not a woman. He is a sick, delusional man.” Spoiler alert it totally was the hateful article I expected it to be.

Oh my god. I wish I could give this comment ONE MILLION likes.

It’s a big fucking deal, that’s why.

She gave up her male privilege when she transitioned - she might find after a while that she was wrong all along.

Actually, no. We don’t have to admit to two things that aren’t true. That’s how reality works. :)

“It’s all part of a sinister plot to make Republicans into “the new weirdos.”

Yeah it’s called Entourage

or dave weigel, normally good reporter, saying “i can’t believe they think a trans woman is a hero and not TEH TROOPZ!”

Ironically enough, she’s a repulican. She’s that parties best shot at making the changes they need to win future elections (without gerrymandering that is) but they are to damn bigoted to see it

Glenn Beck’s panic room

It stunned the hell out of me when she said that. I was trying to figure out if she realized she was excluding our family in her definition.

Nobody wins the oppression olympics.

But seriously, the comparison pretty clearly came about because deerlady was attempting to demonstrate the flaws in the cousin’s thinking, not because they’re directly comparable. Also, why the scare quotes around Native?