

I actually think that the lingerie pose is more to emphasize that she really IS a woman. I mean, how would know if we didn’t see her stripped down to her panties? (*eyeroll*) I mean, while she looks beautiful and sexy on that cover, there is more an air of “Look, this is me, you can see my body, you can see that it is

I mean, how could I possibly listen to her WORDS, she has BOOBIES IN MY FACE WHAT AM I A MAGICIAN?!?!?!

I am so upset with my cousin on Facebook. She can be so narrowed minded and young. Last night, she posted about how a soldier who lost his arm and legs should have won instead because he showed real bravery by still being an athlete with fake legs. I posted that he accomplished great things but Caitlyn Jenner was

yeah for the courage award or some shit

Wow, should go without saying, but do NOT read the comments on that TMZ page.

Lol what??

god the rage over her winning that award at the espy’s last night (which i mean, lol, the espys) was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever had the pleasure to read on my facebook feed.

Once again Stewart is on point. All during the lead up to this the one thing i kept hearing over and over again was “Boy, he’s going to be an ugly woman.” As if the fact that she was finally going to be able to live how she was always meant to, that she was free of the burden of being in the wrong body. Nope, that

Not to mention she can no longer use most of the facilities at her own country club, where she has been a member for over a decade.… Welcome to the sisterhood, girl!

Yeah but now she can have multiple orgasms so who is the real winner here

Here’s your 23.5% wage cut. Enjoy.

Don’t resist arrest! If you just let them arrest you for nothing, they won’t have any reason to arrest you for resisting? Wait...what? Arrestception...

You said it Bane, you said it.

Fuck fired, he needs to be charged criminally. This isn’t going stop unless we start charging malicious false arrests as what they are. Dude is a kidnapper.

Yes. Sorry. Bye.

I feel like I went through a lot of different emotions reading Ether’s statement about Caitlyn. I ended up with this:

these are gifs of my two most common states of being.

God, I wish inanimate objects could write memoirs. The world would be much more interesting.

I still have to call him Bruce.