
I think that definitely falls under activism/working to make men and women equal, what I was talking about more is that I have friends who definitely agree with a lot of feminist ideas but they aren’t interested in learning more about feminism, being part of conversations about feminism, or really doing anything along

Is there any chance you could go back and make your reply more passive aggressive? I feel like it was a little too unbiased towards trans women for shit that all women are expected to do and put up with.

In context it makes a bit more sense, given the family dynamic she’s coming from. There are plenty of trans women who don’t play that game-I don’t wear makeup and my wardrobe would probably be best described as “functional”. But, with that said, it’s a very dangerous world for most trans women. Oftentimes “prettying

Shoulda picked a better getaway vehicle.

I agree. When I get in this argument with people (which happens all the god damn time), I say that feminism is about the equality of the sexes, but it also acknowledges oppression of women in our society (as well as the history of oppression). Which is why the word feminism is an important one (as opposed to a word

Pretending systems of oppression work in all directions is a handy dandy way of erasing them.

I know the question wasn’t directed at me, but I’d like to land close to the side of “small scale activism”, or as I like to think of it, putting your money where your mouth is, practicing what you preach, leading by example, living your values, etc.

There are people who believe in equality and think we achieved it as soon as the 19th amendment was ratified and surpassed it when the Sex and the City pilot first aired.

Yeah it’s one-sided. If feminism was for men too it would be nothing.

I agree with you. Although at the same time I feel like getting more people to accept that feminism is a good thing that benefits society can be a gateway drug, so to speak, for the version of feminism you’re talking about. Once we open the door in people’s minds that “Shouldn’t everyone be treated equally?” then

Did anyone else find the article—and comments—about the students suing the Northwestern University professor using Title IX completely bizarre?

It’s the “egalitarian” argument and I’ll be goddamned if I’ll be a part of it. Here’s a great gif for MRA trolls online. I hope I kinja this correctly:

I took the time to create a burner account JUST SO I COULD UPVOTE THIS.

I really hate this argument. It reduces feminism so much that it becomes meaningless, and leaves me wondering why people are so invested in identifying with something that stands for nothing. By this understanding, almost everyone is a feminist already (save for a small population of religious conservatives) - so then

omg I hate this debate. I’m a feminist and proud of it.

My husband and I got into a big fight over the word “feminist” before (because I wanted to make our daughter a shirt that said feminist on it.) He says the world can’t be separated from its negative connotation, most feminists go too far, etc. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so mad at him in my life.

One of the projects girls in my non-profit program had to complete is to create a social justice-y club and market/host it online (it’s a bitchin’ information technology curriculum and this is the unit on safely using social networks to improve your community). One group of 7th graders wanted to make a “FEMpowerment”


I am so happy right now. I finally have a Saturday night with no obligations, so I’m ordering enough pizza for 3 people, opening a bottle of wine, and catching up on my DVR’d episodes of Orphan Black. INTROVERT HEAVEN.

Why do people subject themselves to Yik Yak?