
Hope you freeze moron. Enjoy the North Dakota winter.

2 years of meetings the tribe missed or skipped. Pretty sure they thought Obama was going to stop this. Didn’t think it through very well. Tough shit.

Go fuck yourself hippie. The natives had ample time to consult and confere regarding this pipeline. They chose to ignore all meetings and chose to riot and protest. Hope they all fucking freeze.

Too many Chiefs not enough Indians?

Did you vote for Bernie?

Right so tranny’s aren’t mentally ill castration fetishists. Sure, um ok!

Good luck. We’ll know you by your safety pin.

Shouldn’t you be coloring in your safe space still?

Why aren’t you a lampshade yet? I mean if Trump is Hitler and he’s going after his enemies why are you still here? Shouldn’t you be moving by now? You can’t fight because you’re a pussy who doesn’t like guns so what’s to stop HitlerTrump from coming to get you? Or do you really not believe your own bullshit?

Don’t seem to recall those protests happening before Obama took the oath of office. They were in reaction to his actions, not his election.

What has Olberman succeeded at exactly? Being a low rated cable ‘news’ host who couldn’t beat CNN much less FOXNEWS? Being a twitter blowhard followed by far-left losers who think Al Gore is a prophet? Where’s Keith’s success?

They weren’t protesting the RESULTS OF A FUCKING ELECTION. There’s a little difference in protesting policies and actions and protesting the results of a national vote.

It’s hot today. Damn that Global Warming!

Wow how original.

Unless it’s made of actual Tribbles, forget it.

Oh man, it just keeps getting better. The whining, the crying. I thought it might let up after a week but these articles give me hope. Thanks Hammy. Please make this a regular series. Reading these crybabies is hilarious.

Enjoy President Trump you jackass

Clearly. Adults accept they can lose an election. They don’t pout and cry about it.


You sound fun.