
Yeah, Cubans who came here with nothing and became contributing stable members of our American culture and society. Hardworking, taxpaying, assimilating whilst still preserving their culture as well. You defeated your argument by citing the very demographic we WANT here. We do not want people who will not assimilate


So excited. Please continue to protest. Trump for eight years!

Because aside from perhaps the professional trade unions, most workers aren’t really seeing a value. I worked retail in a supermarket chain that was and still is unionized in my late teens and early 20's. Hell, I was even a union steward for 6 months before I left that job! Back then, I truly believed in the union

If they cannot solve this problem, they should turn their leadership positions over to people who can.

Josh Gad is an annoying no-talent hack. He is not me.

Deadspin - Sports News without Access, Favor, or Discretionhahah Surrrrrrrrrreeeee. Time for a new motto. Deadspin- Usually Sports but some politics with favor and discretion

FYI - his approval rating is at 57%

LOL...see: Obama

My only comment is that I don’t know why the Mexico City policy is getting so much airtime. This isn’t an example of Trump being crazy or egregious. He’s a Republican and did what every Republican president since Reagan has done. If the next president is a Republican, it’ll stay. If the next one is a Democrat it’ll

They gave an award to child fucking Roman Polanski. Character does not matter. This is a performance award, not a humanitarian award.

A Republican wasn’t elected against the will of “the people”.

Trump doesn’t know the working man.

Do you have enough weed for the rest of the class?

He’s not wrong, I don’t expect anyone to pay for alka-seltzer or ibuprofen and I still drink knowing that that’s what causes hangovers. If you can’t afford the consequences of your actions you can’t afford to do them. Its also why I don’t race my car. Can’t afford it if i wreck it, and my employer won’t cover it

He’s right though. Abstinence is the only totally effect form of birth control.

If a reporter’s job is not “learn what powerful people are talking about in secret, and then share it with everybody else,” then I sincerely do not know what the fuck it is

Breaking news: Website that peddles in unconfirmed rumors and innuendo argues for publishing more rumors and innuendo.