
You gonna get up from your keyboard you valiant warrior?

Quebec’s a special kind of fucked. Trump didn’t do shit there. They’re just naturally fucked up.

Your guy spent 8 years doing these types of things. Didn’t seem a problem with you then. Could it be you just can’t stand the fact your side lost an election?

It’s been Hitler after Hitler on the Republican side with you guys for 60 years. Try a new tune. No one believes your shit.

Thank God!

Resist the fags like Albert. Stand with actual Americans who like this country and don’t want to see it collapse into a cesspool. The election showed America doesn’t listen to these losers anymore.

Go fuck yourself.

How about there’s hardly any difference between Obama and Trump? Obama did the exact same fucking thing in 2011. No one bitched and cried then. But he’s a democrat so that was ‘different’.

Try it. One side has the guns.

Elections have consequences. Trump followed through, not enough though, on his promise of fixing the US immigration system. Tough shit for you hippies and terrorist loving fucks. Didn’t hear you fuckers bitching in 2011 when Obama did the same fucking thing. Oh, but that would require you not being fucking hypocrites

Lock em up. See morons, there’s something called laws. Illegal immigration is a violation of the law. Aiding and abetting law breakers is criminal. Deport the illegals and jail their enablers.

Ohh that’s cute. It’s like you feeble minded idiots think you did something.

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead?

Go fuck yourself loser. Try winning an election next time.

Careful there Keyboard Warrior. Don’t break a nail.

All public service unions should be outlawed. That or allow competition for government services.

Union numbers are down because Unions priced themselves out of the workplace and made their jobs flee overseas. Congrats. You made your jobs redundant!

How much did Taco Bell pay you for your avatar?

Being owned on twitter by Ted Cruz?

Killing babies is the norm. No less horrifying.