
Fuck off loser. When your side loses you don’t go away and forget about your causes. Why should the other side. As the right has learned from the left, nothing is settled. We can have the same fights over and over again.

They voted for the side that didn’t insult them and laugh at their plight. Hillary and the left only see these people to mock. Good luck getting them to vote for you after that.

30% of your fellow hispanics voted Trump. I guess they’re all self hating racists.

It’s like you didn’t learn anything from Tuesday at all. I bet you’re out protesting the results along with your idiot friends. After all, no one you know voted for Trump so how could he win?

Minorities are less educated on a whole than whites. They voted Hillary. So fuck off loser. More college educated white women voted for Trump over Hillary.

Nor would many democrats. Again. You lost. Deal with it. The democrats had 8 years to ram their agenda through. Now it is time for the adults to be in charge.

Hey remember when Republican voters shut down cities and protested the results of an election? Yeah, me neither. The democrats and their far left stooges don’t accept democracy.

Clearly more than you.

Pretty sure you didn’t actually pay attention to the candidates only whatever far left website you visit.

Ask the Trump side and they’ll tell you human decency won last night.

You better move to one of Hillary’s favorite donor countries like Saudi Arabia or Qatar. That seems more your flavor.

Ahh, your sweet tears are delicious. Cry some more. It’s going to be a great next 4 years.

Only you and your side is ‘decent’. Righhht. See how you lost yesterday?

According to you. There are 59 million people who believe themselves to be just as decent on the other side.

Cut the Hitler shit. It didn’t work. Try an actual argument next time.

You mean the Republican government might govern as the Republican voters wanted? What do you think an all Democrat government did? They implemented their platform over any and all objections from the other side. Why? Because that’s what you do when you win. Your side lost. Try harder next time.

I didn’t elect no one. I would have but I can’t vote in a foreign country. His victory pisses off all the right people so I’m happy today. This teeth nashing and hand wringing is hilarious.

President Trump voters. Say it with me now.

You boyfriend, like you know nothing. He and his Wall street buddies thought they have bought the presidency with Hillary. How wrong they were.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Your side lost. Get over it. That’s what you fuckers said in 2008 and 2012. Now it is the other side’s time to gloat. So cry, bitch, whine and moan. Looks good on you crybullies.