
Nice hyperbole. Your vagina candidate lost because she was a corrupt incompetent globalist with no care for anyone not like her. You are a fucking sexist pig who votes based on gender. Fuck you.

Wonder if you like imposing slavery on people. Oh right, looks like you do. Fuck you.

So when blacks voted 99% for Obama were they racist?

So you’re a racist then. Good to know.

Exactly. And people couldn’t trust Hillary Clinton to care about them or do the right thing. Clinton was the greater evil this time.

If it was Carly Fiorina vs Bernie Sanders do you vote for the woman?

No. America voted against THIS woman. Get it right.

I didn’t know Hillary was black. Van Jones is a fucking racist bigot. He has nothing worthwhile to say.

I see three people who got shot/choked doing stupid things.

Looks like your little map needs some adjusting.

Go fuck yourself. We don’t want you losers.

No. Canada has enough problems without adding you whiners.

YAY. When your side loses an election the rational thing to do is quit. I don’t think you quite understand democracy.

Go fuck yourself. You deserve this.

Fuck you loser. Go find a fucking safe space and cry. President Fucking Trump!

A hearty ‘how the fuck do you like that’ to you Anna et al. PRESIDENT FUCKING TRUMP. Get used to saying it.

Right, cause the left didn’t spend the last 18 months insulting and accusing anyone not voting democrat of being a sexist or racist depending on the day of the week. You crybullies are reaping what you sowed.

Higher education is a bigger bubble than the 2008 housing market. Why the hell does it cost over $100,000 to get an undergraduate degree? It isn’t the free market that has driven costs up.

Sounds like their mother is a rational woman. How’d she let an idiot like you fuck her?

Go find a safe space loser.