
All of that is accurate, but if your biggest fear is something that originates roughly once or twice a year in the US, that’s not too bad as far as biggest fears go. Only person that’s died of rabies in recent years was a Utah man in 2018 that apparently had an upcoming battle with Bane, given how much he was around

I’m pro-spider, but I prefer they keep their distance. Stay out of my house and car, and we’re cool.

“Come on, I didn’t do anything illegal,” Pierce said. “These motherfuckers in the Hall of Fame, some did [cocaine], fucking battery. What the fuck did I do? I was just having a good time. All the people coming after me, half you motherfuckers do the same shit. You’re just hiding it. And you all are married while

Someone will go to buy some wings or to McDonald’s and get a not-so-well beef burger

He angers the type of people I like to see get angry, I’ll give him that much. But his music is a big bag of whatever to me. I’m an old man who likes my cranky old man rap, which for current stuff, mostly just means RTJ. 

Very disappointed this has nothing to do with Allen. I thought Allen Iverson opened a shoddy mall and I’m bummed that he didn’t. Thanks, Obama.

The only thing that makes sense about this is that it’s super easy to understand how ESPN got duped, and I don’t even totally mean that as a shot at ESPN.

Veer & Shanky are Indian, Jinder’s from Canada, Mansoor’s from Saudi Arabia and Ali’s from Chicago. I must be missing something I’m supposed to be getting here. 

Hahaha, even in a multiverse, there’s no alternate universe where Punk doesn’t get the fuck out of dodge.

House shows in the 80s, not just WWF, would put on a march after the main event. Hogan often worked second to last and then say, Bulldogs vs killer bees close it down. It’s not like thattag match was the real main event.

If you’re talking about Jinder and his henchmen, pretty sure they’ve been together for awhile and I’m pretty sure it either was their idea, or they at least enjoy teaming up. But I’m the wrong guy to ask, I really don’t pay attention to main roster WWE outside of PPVs, and even then it’s only barely.

I can see where she’s coming from too. My bad on that. I should’ve toned down my normal IWC mode. (I hate most online wrestling fans, is the irony. My normal board is a pretty cool place, but most of those dudes have been watching for 30+ years and if you say something like “Sasha Banks is the best ever” no matter how

“Doja Cat” is the actual name of a real artist? Swear to god, I thought she was just a fictional character on “Dave.”

I completely agree, but this is WWE we’re talking about. I was surprised they exiled Hogan (who I’ve never liked as a performer, much less a person) for as long as they did. 

Whatever his ulterior motives are, I don’t care. He’s a leathery old billionaire. He probably has ulterior motives for how he wipes his ass. If those motives are aligning with the greater good, then terrific. 

Didn’t know your gender and wasn’t considering it. If you think that was “talking down to,” though...yikes.

I’m a fan of Sasha, don’t get me wrong. Her matches with Bayley at Takeover: Brooklyn and Takeover: Respect are two of my all-time favorites. But “best” and “favorite” are different. Punk’s my favorite ever, but I certainly wouldn’t make a GOAT case for him.

So is it the chicken or the egg? Like you mentioned above, WWE has a tradition of giving guys they don’t really see as “top stars” a fairly meaningless mania to SummerSlam title reign.

Ohhh yeah, I remember the Rey/Orton stuff now. And yeah, for someone that’s always been crazy over, the crowd has always been pretty clear that it’s only to a certain point with Rey. And the night Punk returned was a perfect example of that, because there was very little outrage that Rey was done dirty like that,

i think she’s the best wrestler ever from my pov