illadelph halflife

The good news is, after not moving the offense on three straight drives, Kaepernick can probably sit the entire season.

These days, a dick in the asphalt counts as first base.

as much as I would like to defend my city, the sports radio is largely unlistenable, who can forget the most successful host (Eskin) survived decades calling Giants and Cowboys fans cockroaches.

Anyone else think these kids act like a bunch of bitches? Seriously... turning down a guaranteed college scholarship and a chance to play D-1 Football because someone thought you went to a fucking BBQ , was trying to be nice and sent you a thank you note?

Equating soccer with good taste is like equating Wonder Bread with flavor. Hey man, if bland is your thing, go right ahead and own it.

1. Flies fucking

Except... I’m somehow not bored! Weird how that works, isn’t it?

Sure, go ahead. I simply used it as an example. I’m not a huge fan of soccer, but I’ll watch a game now and then if I’m out with friends who are out specifically to watch the game. I don’t spend that time running down for them why I find it to be a boring watch for me. I order a beer, maybe some food, and enjoy the

Right, 265 lb monsters who run the 40 in 4.65 seconds aren’t real athletes. Cool. Good to know. Thank you for taking the time to type that from your swivel chair.

Sure, except the game has been designed to be played in this manner, which the “10 minutes of action” hot takers seem to enjoy blatantly ignoring. If I want to be bored for 90 minutes, I know where to watch soccer.

If it doesn’t happen already, something cute and fuzzy should have to die any time the “only 10 mins of action in 3 hour time frame” hot take is vomited out of somebody’s face hole.

...I think you might want to see a podiatrist.

Well, I guess it’s time for this Irish guy to come clean: I’m “Jose from Norristown.”

It’s not racist because his black friend was involved. Duh. And his black friend plays hockey, not basketball or spades, so they are truly bucking trends. Quite progressive, really.

I thought the caller was fake because it’s my understanding that the only creatures left living on the east banks of the Delaware are zombies and lizard people.

Is self-implosion an option?

The spectre of disaster was an incentive to watch, not a reason to avoid watching.

No, it’s not crazy, you just have some kooky beliefs.
