illadelph halflife

+1 (for every PI call this season)

Well this certainly beats snowballs...

Outside of “2 girls, 1 cup” that 9 minute drive was the most painful ordeal I’ve ever had to watch.

As a black man, I’m not sure whether to take your rants as serious trolling or misguided ignorance. You’re invoking race and stereotypes to defend your victim shaming, while criticizing others for “inherent racial bias”.

That’s no’s how Eskin talks too.

I thought Greg Howars refused to watch football. Since when has he become an expert on particular players outside claimed Redskins?

The NRA are Catholic terrorists? You may want to check those acronyms.

Too bad Fred-X isn’t around to bail him out this time...

Not the game...the revenue stream is far more important than human life.

Dynamo Kiev? I always just called them “the Eagles”.

Punting...the safest play in football.

I think the fact that his kid preferred to rock a Russell Wilson jersey over that of his father tells you everything there is to know about Steve Weatherford. His own son isn’t even a fan of him.

I think the fact that his own kid preferred to rock a Russell Wilson jersey over that of his own father says everything you need to know about Steve Weatherford

So we're trying to make rugby a thing now, huh?

Skinny guy with a fat girlfriend...classic.

They should both be used to it by now. It’s nothing new for Utley to ruin the Mets playoff dreams.

Oh yea...can’t deny that. In my defense though, I’ve always thought of him as a douchebag. This isn't a recent development.

Someone better move fast before HamNo snatches that up.